254 research outputs found

    Tempo di donne negli organi di governo delle societ\ue0: la prospettiva economico-aziendale

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    La Legge Golfo-Mosca n. 120/2011 ha introdotto in Italia le quote di genere nella composizione degli organi di amministrazione e controllo delle societ\ue0 quotate e delle societ\ue0 a controllo pubblico. Non si tratta di una legge \u2018per le donne\u2019 ma le statistiche parlano chiaro: il genere meno rappresentato negli organi societari \u2013 e, quindi, da tutelare \u2013 \ue8 quello femminile. In realt\ue0, le donne entrano nel mercato del lavoro meglio equipaggiate dei maschi ma questo vantaggio non si trasforma, poi, in opportunit\ue0 di carriera poich\ue9 in pochi casi esse accedono ai ruoli decisionali apicali. Questo significa sotto-utilizzare i talenti femminili e compromettere la qualit\ue0 degli organi di governo i cui membri andrebbero, invece, selezionati fra i migliori candidati di entrambi i sessi disponibili a far parte dei consigli amministrativi e di controllo. Ne consegue un evidente danno alla creazione di valore economico e alla performance societaria. Esperienze, competenze, professionalit\ue0 e non differenze di genere dovrebbero essere i fattori discriminanti nella scelta dei membri chiamati a comporre gli organi di governo. Coloro ai quali viene affidata la conduzione ed il controllo dell\u2019azienda devono avere requisiti adeguati per il ruolo che sono chiamati a svolgere, indipendentemente dall\u2019essere uomini o donne. Nella complessa ricerca di una quadratura del cerchio alquanto difficile da realizzare, un principio rimane importante: non imporre la presenza delle donne ad ogni costo, bens\uec dare a coloro che hanno ricevuto dei talenti la possibilit\ue0 di metterli a frutto

    The relationship between attentional processing of emotional information and personality : a comparison between older and younger adults

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    Older adults have been found to focus more on positive and less on negative information compared to younger adults. Yet, results on this attentional positivity effect are inconsistent. Since personality has been related to attentional processing in younger adults, we explored whether (mal) adaptive personality traits are also linked to the occurrence of the positivity effect measured with eye tracking paradigms. We performed two studies with different experimental tasks and recruited for each study 60 community dwelling younger (aged 2450) and 60 older (age 65-91) adults. We found some indication for a positivity effect with a free-viewing task (study 2), but not with a task measuring engagement and disengagement with emotional information (study 1). Although this effect should be interpreted with caution, it corroborates evidence that the positivity effect is more robust in situations without cognitive constraints. No evidence was found for personality traits to be related to the occurrence of the effect. Further research is needed to further clarify conditions that influence older adults' attention for emotional information

    Organizational Factors Affecting Charitable Giving in the Environmental Nonprofit Context

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    Nonprofit organizations operating in the environmental protection and conservation sector face challenging fundraising issues in collecting from individual donors the money needed to accomplish their goals. The purpose of this study was to investigate which organizational factors can play a role in influencing the ability of these organizations to collect charitable contributions. By applying an extended version of the economic model of giving to a sample of 142 environmental nonprofits from the United States, the results of the regression analyses show that the following factors allow these organizations to attract more donations: devoting a high percentage of donations to programs, promoting the organization\u2019s image through fundraising activities, having a large amount of assets that ensures a sustainable financial structure, and providing online information that demonstrates how the organization has dealt with its mission. Moreover, the study reveals that providing high amounts of disclosure on the organization\u2019s website can have a conditional effect on fundraising expenses by boosting the positive effect of these expenses on donations. The results of this study contribute to the debate on the effectiveness of organizational factors in attracting funds from donors willing to support environmental nonprofits

    Mandatory or Not Mandatory Reporting? Insights From Italian Bank Foundations

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    3In the Italian nonprofit field, bank foundations face an increasing demand to account for their grant activity in forms that go beyond traditional financial statements. Consequently, bank foundations have developed specific reports in accordance with a 2001 Italian law that requires a mission report to be included within financial statements. This study investigates the peculiarities of social reporting documents in terms of standards used and formal characteristics, revealing different adoption levels. Contributing to an ongoing debate, the analysis of the reporting practices underlines how the due by law on social accounting could hamper the disclosure in nonprofit organizations.partially_openopenMoggi, Sara; Leardini, Chiara; Rossi, GinaMoggi, Sara; Leardini, Chiara; Rossi, Gin

    The New Era of Stakeholder Engagement: Gaining, Maintaining, and Repairing Legitimacy in Nonprofit Organizations

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    The need for nonprofits to foster legitimacy within their communities has led to growing calls for mechanisms of sound governance based on the engagement of stakeholders in organizational activities. Previous studies have investigated the mix of governance mechanisms used by nonprofits to manage legitimacy, without paying attention to the different challenges of legitimacy these organizations face. Aiming to fill this gap, this article employs a multiple case study methodology to explore how mechanisms for engaging stakeholders in governance can be shaped by the need to gain, maintain, or repair legitimacy. The findings show that formal mechanisms based on the direct designation of board members by local stakeholders play a pivotal role in repairing legitimacy. Gaining legitimacy requires actual participation of stakeholders, while maintaining legitimacy calls for formal mechanisms that balance representativeness and competencies of the leadership

    La prospettiva di genere: un\u2019opportunit\ue0 per l\u2019ente locale

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    L\u2019analisi della popolazione e del contesto in ottica di genere costituisce un importante strumento di mainstreaming che fornisce all\u2019ente locale le premesse necessarie \u2013 pur se non sufficienti \u2013 per ridurre le disuguaglianze di genere a vantaggio dell\u2019intera collettivit\ue0. Grazie ad essa, politici e amministratori possono divenire maggiormente consapevoli delle conseguenze delle loro decisioni su donne e uomini e hanno l\u2019occasione per condurre un\u2019azione nel contempo pi\uf9 equa, pi\uf9 efficace e pi\uf9 efficiente che tenga sempre presente l\u2019ottica del destinatario

    Hierarchical structure of maladaptive personality traits in older adults: joint factor analysis of the PID-5 and the DAPP-BQ

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    In DSM-5, the categorical model and criteria for the 10 personality disorders included in DSM-IV will be reprinted in Section II. Moreover, an alternative dimensional classification model will appear in Section III. This alternative DSM-5 proposal for the diagnosis of a personality disorder is based on two fundamental criteria: impairments in personality functioning (Criterion A) and the presence of pathological personality traits (Criterion B). In the maladaptive trait model that has been developed to operationalize Criterion B, 25 pathological traits are organized according to five higher order dimensions. The current study focuses on the convergence of the proposed DSM-5 trait model (as measured by the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 [PID-5]) with the Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology (DAPP) model (as measured by the Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology–Basic Questionnaire [DAPP-BQ]) in a sample of older people. A joint hierarchical factor analysis showed clear convergence between four PID-5 dimensions (Negative Affect, Detachment, Antagonism, Disinhibition) and conceptually similar DAPP-BQ components. Moreover, the PID-5 and the DAPP-BQ showed meaningful associations on different levels of their joint hierarchical factor structure. Methodological and theoretical implications of these initial results for the conceptualization of personality pathology are discussed

    When the Law Shapes Nonprofit Boards: The Key Role of Local Stakeholders

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    The study investigates how governance mechanisms can affect community representation within nonprofit organizations, focusing on Italian Bank Foundations where the community is on board by law. To investigate what governance arrangements increase substantive and symbolic representation, the study adjusts Guo and Musso\u2019s framework by considering several formal mechanisms for appointing board members and the residence of board members as a new aspect of descriptive representation. A content analysis of the statutes and an email survey show that formal mechanisms contribute to substantive representation, whereas descriptive and participatory arrangements enhance symbolic representation. In addition, this study explores the moderating influence of local stakeholders in appointing board members, offering a wider point of view on the relationships among the five dimensions of representation
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